How It Works
DataRoller is a Java application that will insert piles of good looking data into your
favorite databases so you can move in and be happy.
HINT: The first section of the User Guide is a one-page intro showing:
- a real DataRoller script file,
- a database table,
- the command-line to run it, and
- the "SELECT *" it produces.
Types of Data
- Random dates, numbers and strings
- Sequences and patterns
- Read data from other database tables
- Read values from external text, XML and Excel
- Lorem Ipsum text for long character columns
- External binary files such as JPG, PNG, MP3, FLV, ...
Table Relationships
- Simple foreign keys
- Shared artificial primary keys
- Simple two-table associations
- Complex, coordinated associative tables with many tables (think "star join")!
Supported Databases
- SQL Server
- Oracle
- DB2
- Sybase
- Many others...
Supported Systems
- Windows XP, 7
- Mac OS
- Linux
- Any other that supports Java...